Game of Thrones – All Names features a vast collection of legendary characters, each with a unique and powerful identity. From noble houses like Stark, Lannister, and Targaryen to fearsome warriors and cunning strategists, every name in Westeros carries deep meaning and history.
If you are looking for the most iconic rulers, fearless fighters, or mystical figures, this guide explores the significance behind the most famous names in the series. Perfect for fans, writers, or anyone seeking inspiration, these names capture the essence of Game of Thrones and its rich, immersive world. Discover your favorite names today!
House Stark – The Noble Wolves of the North
The Stark family is known for honor, loyalty, and resilience.
- Eddard (Ned) Stark – Just and honorable leader of Winterfell
- Catelyn Stark – Protective and strong-willed mother
- Robb Stark – The “Young Wolf,” a strong warrior and king
- Sansa Stark – A wise and diplomatic ruler
- Arya Stark – Fierce warrior, trained assassin
- Bran Stark – The Three-Eyed Raven, gifted with visions
- Rickon Stark – The youngest Stark, wild and untamed
- Jon Snow – The noble bastard, true heir to the throne
- Benjen Stark – A Night’s Watch ranger, mysterious and brave
- Lyanna Stark – Jon Snow’s true mother, a symbol of defiance
- Talisa Stark – Robb Stark’s love, a compassionate healer
- Howland Reed – Loyal Stark ally, saved Ned at the Tower of Joy
- Meera Reed – Brave warrior who protects Bran
- Jojen Reed – A greenseer, guides Bran on his journey
- Rodrik Cassel – Stark’s loyal master-at-arms
- Maege Mormont – Warrior leader of House Mormont, Stark supporter
- Lyanna Mormont – Fearless child ruler, speaks with authority
- Wyman Manderly – Loyal Stark bannerman, cunning and resourceful
- Greatjon Umber – Fierce Stark bannerman, first to call Robb “King in the North”
Lannister – The Lions of Casterly Rock
The Lannisters are known for their wealth, power, and cunning.
- Tywin Lannister – Ruthless and calculating head of House Lannister
- Jaime Lannister – Kingslayer, torn between honor and family
- Cersei Lannister – Power-hungry queen, mother of Joffrey
- Tyrion Lannister – Witty strategist, underestimated genius
- Joffrey Baratheon – Cruel and sadistic boy-king
- Myrcella Baratheon – Gentle and kind-hearted princess
- Tommen Baratheon – Innocent and manipulated king
- Kevan Lannister – Tywin’s loyal and capable brother
- Lancel Lannister – Manipulated into becoming a religious fanatic
- Genna Lannister – Tywin’s sharp-witted sister
- Joanna Lannister – Tywin’s beloved wife, mother of Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion
- Martyn Lannister – Captured and killed during the war
- Willem Lannister – Twin of Martyn, met the same fate
- Tytos Lannister – Weak ruler, led to the family’s decline before Tywin
- Daven Lannister – A competent military leader
- Stafford Lannister – Uncle to Jaime and Cersei, killed in battle
- Damion Lannister – Lannister knight, fought in the war
- Janei Lannister – Niece of Tywin, minor character
- Ser Amory Lorch – A brutal knight, served Tywin
- Ser Gregor Clegane (The Mountain) – The Lannisters’ monstrous enforcer
Targaryen – The Dragonlords of Westeros
The Targaryens ruled Westeros for centuries with their dragons.
- Aegon the Conqueror – United the Seven Kingdoms with dragons
- Rhaegar Targaryen – Jon Snow’s father, noble but doomed
- Daenerys Targaryen – “Mother of Dragons,” a fierce and ambitious ruler
- Viserys Targaryen – Power-hungry and abusive brother of Daenerys
- Aerys II (The Mad King) – Tyrannical, paranoid ruler
- Maester Aemon – Wise and humble Targaryen, served the Night’s Watch
- Rhaella Targaryen – Mother of Daenerys, lived in exile
- Elia Martell – Rhaegar’s wife, brutally murdered
- Baelor the Blessed – Peaceful Targaryen king, built the Great Sept
- Maegor the Cruel – Ruthless ruler, built the Red Keep
- Jaehaerys the Wise – The greatest Targaryen king, ruled justly
- Visenya Targaryen – Aegon’s warrior sister-wife
- Rhaenys Targaryen – Aegon’s other sister-wife, loved by the people
- Daemon Targaryen – Rebel prince, feared warrior
- Laena Velaryon – Dragonrider, wife of Daemon Targaryen
- Baelon the Brave – A fearless warrior prince
- Aegon V (Egg) – Humble king from the “Dunk and Egg” stories
- Rhaenyra Targaryen – The first woman to claim the Iron Throne
- Alicent Hightower – Political mastermind, key figure in the Targaryen civil war
“Game of Thrones” Names & Their Meanings
Name | House | Meaning/Significance |
Jon Snow | Stark (Raised) | Bastard name of the North |
Daenerys Targaryen | Targaryen | “Stormborn,” Mother of Dragons |
Arya Stark | Stark | Noble, strong-willed warrior |
Tyrion Lannister | Lannister | Intelligent, witty strategist |
Cersei Lannister | Lannister | Power-hungry queen |
Jaime Lannister | Lannister | Kingslayer, conflicted warrior |
Bran Stark | Stark | Seer, Three-Eyed Raven |
Sansa Stark | Stark | Wise, resilient leader |
Robb Stark | Stark | Young Wolf, King in the North |
Joffrey Baratheon | Baratheon | Cruel and tyrannical king |
The Stag Lords of Storm’s End
House Baratheon is known for its warrior kings and unyielding nature.
- Robert Baratheon – The rebellious king who overthrew the Mad King
- Stannis Baratheon – The rigid and justice-driven claimant to the throne
- Renly Baratheon – Charismatic and beloved brother of Robert and Stannis
- Shireen Baratheon – Stannis’ kind and intelligent daughter
- Gendry Baratheon – Robert’s illegitimate son and skilled blacksmith
- Selyse Florent – Stannis’ wife, deeply religious and cold
- Edric Storm – Another of Robert’s illegitimate sons, raised in secrecy
- Patchface – Shireen’s jester with eerie prophecies
- Davos Seaworth – Stannis’ most loyal advisor, a former smuggler
- Matthos Seaworth – Davos’ son, a devoted scribe
- Axell Florent – Selyse’s uncle, ambitious and scheming
- Melisandre – The Red Priestess who serves Stannis
- Salladhor Saan – A pirate and ally of Stannis
- Bryce Caron – A Baratheon loyalist and knight
- Rolland Storm – Bastard of House Baratheon, serves Stannis
- Lord Estermont – Robert’s grandfather, a minor but loyal supporter
- Andrew Estermont – A Baratheon ally, part of Stannis’ council
- Loras Tyrell – Though from House Tyrell, he supports Renly’s claim
- Brienne of Tarth – Fiercely loyal to Renly, later serves Sansa Stark
House Greyjoy – Ironborn Lords of the Sea
The Greyjoys rule the Iron Islands and follow the Old Way of raiding and seafaring.
- Balon Greyjoy – The defiant ruler who led a failed rebellion
- Euron Greyjoy – The unpredictable and sadistic “Crow’s Eye”
- Victarion Greyjoy – A brutal warrior and captain of the Iron Fleet
- Theon Greyjoy – Torn between Stark loyalty and Greyjoy heritage
- Yara (Asha) Greyjoy – A fearless and competent Ironborn leader
- Rodrik Greyjoy – Balon’s eldest son, killed in battle
- Maron Greyjoy – Another of Balon’s sons, also deceased
- Aerion Greyjoy (Damphair) – A religious zealot devoted to the Drowned God
- Harlon Greyjoy – An ancient Greyjoy, referenced in lore
- Quellon Greyjoy – Balon’s father, sought peace with the mainland
- Dagmer Cleftjaw – A legendary Greyjoy warrior
- Ralf Kenning – A Greyjoy captain, loyal to the house
- Erik Ironmaker – A fearsome Ironborn warrior
- Botley Family – A noble house sworn to the Greyjoys
- Nute the Barber – An Ironborn raider, fought for Balon
- Roderik Harlaw – A learned and strategic Ironborn lord
- Tristifer Botley – A childhood friend of Asha Greyjoy
- Harrag Hoare – An Ironborn king from the Age of Heroes
- Sylas Sourmouth – A humorous minor character, Ironborn sailor
Martell – The Sun and Spear of Dorne
House Martell rules Dorne, known for its independence and fierce warriors.
- Doran Martell – The patient and strategic ruler of Dorne
- Oberyn Martell – The passionate and vengeful Red Viper
- Ellaria Sand – Oberyn’s lover, driven by revenge
- Trystane Martell – Doran’s son, a romantic and honorable prince
- Arianne Martell – The true heir to Dorne in the books
- Quentyn Martell – Doran’s son, who seeks Daenerys’ hand
- Baelor Breakspear – A wise and noble Martell prince of old
- Nymeria Sand – One of Oberyn’s daughters, a cunning fighter
- Tyene Sand – A deadly poisoner and warrior
- Obara Sand – The eldest Sand Snake, aggressive and fierce
- Sarella Sand – An intellectual daughter of Oberyn
- Anders Yronwood – A powerful Dornish lord
- Manfrey Martell – A distant relative, involved in court politics
- Gerris Drinkwater – A knight and friend of Quentyn Martell
- Archibald Yronwood – A loyal companion to Quentyn
- Mors Martell – An ancient Dornish warrior
- Olyvar Sand – A young Dornish noble
- Harmen Uller – A dangerous and unpredictable Dornish lord
- Nymella Toland – A noblewoman of Dorne, minor role
House Bolton – The Lords of Dreadfort
House Bolton is infamous for its cruelty and treachery.
- Roose Bolton – A cold and calculating ruler
- Ramsay Bolton – A sadistic and psychopathic usurper
- Domeric Bolton – Roose’s legitimate son, killed by Ramsay
- Reek (Theon Greyjoy) – Theon’s identity after Ramsay’s torture
- Barbrey Dustin – A Stark loyalist who despises the Boltons
- Steelshanks Walton – A Bolton soldier, obeys Roose without question
- Locke – A Bolton bannerman, known for his brutality
- Vargo Hoat – A sellsword captain, serves the Boltons
- Ralf Stout – A minor Bolton ally
- Yellow Dick – One of Ramsay’s twisted followers
- Skinner – A Bolton soldier known for flaying people alive
- Rorge – A sadistic sellsword associated with the Boltons
- Biter – A mute and vicious warrior
- Arnolf Karstark – A Karstark lord who aligns with the Boltons
- Torrhen Karstark – Betrays the Starks to side with Roose Bolton
- Frey Soldiers – Many serve the Boltons after the Red Wedding
- Dreadfort Soldiers – Known for their cruelty and flaying skills
- Ironborn Hostages – Captured by Ramsay during his conquest
- Moat Cailin Garrison – Sacrificed to the Boltons during Theon’s deception
House Names & Their Mottos
House | Motto | Notable Members |
House Stark | Winter is Coming | Eddard, Jon, Arya, Sansa, Bran |
House Lannister | Hear Me Roar / A Lannister Always Pays His Debts | Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion |
House Targaryen | Fire and Blood | Daenerys, Rhaegar, Viserys |
House Baratheon | Ours is the Fury | Robert, Stannis, Renly |
House Greyjoy | We Do Not Sow | Balon, Theon, Euron, Yara |
House Martell | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Doran, Oberyn, Ellaria, Sand Snakes |
House Bolton | Our Blades Are Sharp | Roose, Ramsay |
What are the most famous names in Game of Thrones?
Some of the most famous names include Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and Cersei Lannister. These characters played major roles in the series.
Why do bastards in Game of Thrones have different last names?
In Westeros, bastards are given special last names based on the region they are born in. For example, Snow (North), Rivers (Riverlands), and Sand (Dorne) help identify their origin.
Who is the most powerful Targaryen in Game of Thrones?
Daenerys Targaryen is the most powerful Targaryen in the series, as she controls dragons and has a strong claim to the Iron Throne. Historically, Aegon the Conqueror was the most influential Targaryen.
What does “A Lannister Always Pays His Debts” mean?
It means the Lannisters are wealthy and always settle their financial and personal obligations, whether through money or revenge. It is an unofficial motto of House Lannister.
Pro Tips
Mix Myth & Nobility
Blend Game of Thrones house names with mystical words like “Shadowstar Targaryen” or “Stormhoof Lannister” for a royal touch.
Use Valyrian Inspiration
Add Valyrian-style endings like “-rys” or “-ael” to unicorn names, e.g., “Aetherion Velarys” or “Moonfire Daelael.”
Symbolic & Majestic
Choose names based on traits, like “Wintermane Stark” for strength or “Goldenhorn Baratheon” for power and pride.
Naming a unicorn with Game of Thrones inspiration adds a touch of magic, nobility, and power. Whether you choose a Valyrian twist, a noble house reference, or a name symbolizing strength, the right choice will make your unicorn truly legendary. Let your imagination soar and create a name worthy of Westeros!
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